Old Course Removal

Published by Pat Macleod on

We are soon going to start tidying up our inventory of courses, and clearing out the oldest ones to make way for new ones. Many of our old courses no longer have a routegadget component, to show tracks, so whilst you can still run them, you can’t see your track afterwards. We will only get rid of old courses when there is a more recent available to run, or when we have a replacement ready to publish, ideally with a launch event.
The first 3 to go all pre-date our first Maprun-only event, at Kingsway on 5 April 2018 (as captured in the image above), and these are Tewkesbury 2018, Stroud 2018, and Cheltenham Centre 2018. These will be deleted next week, so if you fancy a run round any of them for old times’ sake, now’s the time to do it – if you can get to them! We will be keeping an archive of the course files and results, but not the tracks, which are too time consuming to extract from the maprun system.

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