Speech House 5

Speech House 5 is a 5 mile running course near Speech House Hotel in the Forest of Dean. The course is not waymarked, but the map on your phone will show your location at all times, as a blue dot, so you can use the phone map to stay on track. It keeps to hard forest tracks, and the checkpoints are roughly mile markers. The course has not been measured professionally, but the mile markers are about right, and will allow you to view your mile splits, and try and improve on them. Generally the course is fairly flat.

Parking is in the small car park immediately South of the field adjoing Speech House Hotel - nearly opposite Forest Special School.

The start and finish are at the first main junction on Sprcue Ride, which is the long straight forest road which starts at the gate by carpark, directly in front of you as you drive in.

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Leader BoardTracks


Click on the running man or the P symbol on the map below, and then theDirection icon icon to get directions to the course.